OpenShift Troubles

Recently I've been playing with OpenShift, a new(ish) service from Red Hat as a sort of 'push to cloud' deployment strategy. It's interesting for people like me who can whip up a site quick, but don't necessarily have the framework in place to host it.

Due to my work on CIVX, I've gotten pretty familiar with TurboGears, and the idea of being able to take a site like that and run it without having to set up apache or fiddle with paster sounded real nice. Unfortunately, it was not so simple as it seems.

First up was to get something, anything, running. For a while, OpenShift was throwing a 500 error when you tried to get a new application registered. A brief poke into their IRC told had them aware of the problem and it was fixed shortly. Next came the other part that should have been easy, running TurboGears.

Luke our favorite wizard around these parts, wrote a bit of code to get most of the available applications up and running without too much effort, including the currently unsupported TurboGears. Running this went off without a problem, but the resulting site gave me another happy 500 error. After a consult with Remy, we determined there were some missing version requirements that kept the site from running. After pulling those edits out of his repo and moving them upstream to Luke's, I had a working default TurboGears site.

Until I tried to log in. Then I got another 500 error. I was beginning to get used to this, but it was still annoying to make a small change, then push it to the server and wait for the server to update the settings before I could test it. Even more fun was the occasional 503 error when OpenShift couldn't keep up with my rapidly building and tearing down sites.

Feeling that that was going to be a project by itself, I set about moving all my non-db-interfacing files to this new repository. The prebuilt version assumes that the site internally is named tg2app, and I was having trouble convincing it to go by anything else. Eventually I just decided to move files across one by one; first the templates that don't care what they're named, then the root controller, than the new model and widget. A lot of frustration, many 403 and 404 errors later, I had something that pretended to work as long as I didn't use the database. But since the database is kind of the point of the site I was building, this was not exactly acceptable.

So back to the drawing board then. I had a hunch something was wrong when I saw SQLAlchemy errors scroll by every time I reloaded the site. My best guess is that SQLAlchemy is failing to create the tables needed to run the site and continuing on blindly. Once I realized that, I dumped a test db from my local copy to the MySQL db, and suddenly everything was working. Or almost everything, anyway.

I could read form the db fine, but any time I tried to modify it, I got another dreaded 500 error. I poked into everything I could find to try to figure out where it was failing, and finally determined it couldn't be on my end, as my local copy worked just as expected.

Finally I stumbled across the answer, almost accidentally. When I moved the db from local sqlite to MySQL, I failed to set the auto increment setting on the id of my new databases, so when I neglected to provide an id for the new entries I was making, MySQL quite rightly complained at me. Unfortunately, since I can't find how to re-enable debug mode (nor should I really try), I wasn't getting any good error messages. So what is the site that has been giving me all these troubles? It's a little site I set up to publicly shame Remy into stopping smoking:

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